
More Women in Research Manifesto Launched in Arusha

More Women in Research Manifesto Launched in Arusha

Women are underrepresented in research and academia. A manifesto named More Women in Research has been launched in Arusha, Tanzania, to change the situation.

Adolescence is Probably the Most Fragile Time in Our Lives, Says DVC Owiny as Gulu Teachers Are Trained in Reproductive Health

Adolescence is Probably the Most Fragile Time in Our Lives, Says DVC Owiny as Gulu Teachers Are Trained in Reproductive Health

Over 50 teachers from primary and secondary schools across Gulu City yesterday participated in a health talk and training in handling reproductive health issues among adolescents and the youth.

Jubilation as BSU gives out 57 New Scholarships

Jubilation as BSU gives out 57 New Scholarships

More than fifty people at Gulu University are the beneficiaries of BSU 4 scholarships: Postdoc (6), Full PhD (4), Completion grants (7), Start-up grants (13), and Masters (27). Thank you DANIDA for making this possible. Watch ceremony here.

BSU Joins Denmark-Uganda Partnership Celebrations

BSU Joins Denmark-Uganda Partnership Celebrations

BSU was on Wednesday part of the Denmark-Uganda Partnership Day celebration held in Kampala at the Residence of the Ambassador of Denmark to Uganda. The event also marked the launch of the new Denmark-Uganda Bilateral Development Programme 2024-2028.

‘Partnerships’ is the Emphasis for BSU-IV

‘Partnerships’ is the Emphasis for BSU-IV

Building and strengthening partnerships is key to helping African universities grow and impact society.

BSU in Emotional Farewell to Lars Arne

BSU in Emotional Farewell to Lars Arne

Lars Arne Jensen has left his role as the Programme Manager Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) in charge of East Africa.

“Lars Arne’s departure to me is so painful. When I heard that he was leaving, I was like a candle burning in a storm,” said Dr. Agatha Alidri, the Coordinator of BSU. More to follow

BSU IV First Conference Opens Tomorrow at Gulu University

BSU IV First Conference Opens Tomorrow at Gulu University

BSU-IV is holding its first annual conference from June 4th to 6th, 2024, at Gulu University, on the theme: “Building Stronger Universities for Research, Teaching and Community Engagement”. The event will also mark the official launch of the BSU-IV project at Gulu University.

CONSCOV Lays Foundation for YouLead at Gulu University

CONSCOV Lays Foundation for YouLead at Gulu University

The CONSCOV project has partnered with ActionAid International Uganda to establish YouLead at Gulu University.


Building Stronger Universities (BSU)-Gulu is a multifaceted programme aimed at strengthening research capacity at Gulu University in northern Uganda

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