Ugandan Refugee Model

Documenting the Ugandan Refugee Model in Adjumani


Project Description

The purpose of the project ‘Documenting the Ugandan Refugee Model in Adjumani – Establishment of a Forced Displacement Documentation Centre in Adjumani Town’ is to recognise and appreciate Uganda’s unique approach to dealing with refugees by the example of Adjumani District, which is grounded in the local communities’ receptiveness and their perceptions of refugees not as burdens but as chances for fostering development. This will be accomplished through participatory studies among the Madi hosts and refugee communities (project phase 1), and the establishment of a Forced Displacement Documentation Centre in Adjumani Town with space for exhibitions and archives (project phase 2)

The project is jointly conducted by senior staff/researchers and junior researchers/MA and PhD students from Gulu University’s Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies (IPSS) and Faculty of Education and Humanities (FEH) as well as the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with senior and junior co-researchers from the Adjumani Elders Forum, the Office of the Adjumani District Community Development Officer and the Adjumani community.


2.788030336610342, 32.316860868306385
Building Stronger Universities (BSU)
P.O.Box 166, Gulu (U)

Research Teams

Gulu University Leader
  1. Dr. Lioba Lenhart, Assoc. Professor, Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies, Gulu University
Denmark Leader
  1. Prof. Dr. Susan Reynolds Whyte, Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen
Other Members
  1. Charles Okumu, Assoc. Professor, Faculty of Education and Humanities, Gulu University
  2. Okullu Francis, MA student, Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies, Gulu University
  3. Jennifer Adong, MA student, Faculty of Education and Humanities, Gulu University
  4. Nick Wainman, PhD student, Aarhus University
Adjumani Partners
  1. Vusso Paulino, Chairperson, Adjumani Elders Forum
  2. Mahammoud Doka, Secretary General, Adjumani Elders Forum
  3. Mr. Iga Stephen Falcon, Community Development Officer (CDO) Itirikwa Sub-county
  4. In 2019: Junior researchers Mr. Musisi Agustin, Mr. Oduti Andrew and Mr. Dratele Samson Kaceka


Building Stronger Universities (BSU)-Gulu is a multifaceted programme aimed at strengthening research capacity at Gulu University in northern Uganda

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