
Gulu Team Participates in Launch of BSU IV in Zanzibar

Gulu Team Participates in Launch of BSU IV in Zanzibar

From June 7 to 9, 2023, a team from Gulu University joined teams from Danish and other eastern African universities for the inception workshop of the BSU IV project in Zanzibar.

The team, led by the University Secretary, Mr. David Obol Otori, included Prof. Charles Nelson Okumu (BSU Chair), Dr. Agatha Alidri (BSU Coordinator), Dr. Geoffrey Tabo (BSU Deputy Coordinator – Technical), Ms. Judith Awacorach (BSU Deputy Coordinator – Administration), Mr. Ben Waiswa (BSU Accountant), Dr. Stella Laloyo (Ag. Director Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies), Dr. John Bismarck Okumu (Lecturer, Faculty of Education and Humanities), Dr. Francis Atube (Lecturer, Faculty of Science) and Mr. William Odinga (Lead, BSU Communication Support team). The workshop marked the official launch of BSU IV.  

This report by Ms. Vibeke Quaade, Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC)’s Senior Communications Consultant, has more.

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Building Stronger Universities (BSU)-Gulu is a multifaceted programme aimed at strengthening research capacity at Gulu University in northern Uganda

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