BSU Fellows

Our fellows

BSU fellows are individuals pursuing their PhD studies with support from the BSU programme. We provide full PhD financing, PhD start or completion grants, as well as study stays in Denmark. Our fellows have the opportunity of being jointly supervised by professors here in Uganda and in Denmark. They also gain access to academic resources in Denmark including well stocked libraries and PhD seminars.

Fellows are admitted through a competitive process. We currently have 11 fellows – some have just began while others are about to complete their PhDs.


Current Fellows

Guma Isdore Paterson
Guma Isdore Paterson
Department of Computer Science
Ambrose E. Okot
Ambrose E. Okot
Faculty of Education and Humanities
Sr. Rosalba Aciro
Sr. Rosalba Aciro
Academic Registrar’s Department
Jackson Wakwabubi
Jackson Wakwabubi
Faculty of Business and Development Studies
Helen Amongin
Helen Amongin
Lecturer, Faculty of Eduction and Humanities
Asaf Adebua
Asaf Adebua
Director, Planning and Development
Moses Godfrey Owot
Moses Godfrey Owot
Faculty of Business and Development Studies
William Amone
William Amone
Faculty of Business and Development Studies
Charles Nelson Okumu
Charles Nelson Okumu
Faculty of Education and Humanities
Sulayman Babiiha Mpisi
Sulayman Babiiha Mpisi
Faculty of Business and Development Studies


Building Stronger Universities (BSU)-Gulu is a multifaceted programme aimed at strengthening research capacity at Gulu University in northern Uganda

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