Our Story since inception in 2011

Building Stronger Universities (BSU)-Gulu is a multifaceted programme aimed at strengthening research capacity at Gulu University in northern Uganda.
It is part of a broader partnership - Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries (BSU) - between research and higher education institutions in developing countries and Danish universities.

The overall purpose of the collaborative programme is to support Gulu University in its efforts to strengthen research capacity at PhD level and research-based education, with a special emphasis on research ‘for community transformation’.

Partners at Gulu University are drawn from the Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies (IPSS), the Faculty of Business and Development Studies, and the Faculty of Education and Humanities.

The Danish partners include researchers from seven departments at five Danish Universities: Anthropology (University of Copenhagen); Culture and Society (Aarhus University); Law (University of Southern Denmark); Society and Globalisation (Roskilde University); and Culture and Global Studies, Communication and Psychology, Education, Learning and Philosophy (Aalborg University).

Since its inception in 2011, BSU has supported 26 PhDs, several collaborative research projects, and strengthened services and facilities that support research, teaching and learning at Gulu University. Now in its third phase, BSU is focusing on two themes: Transforming education; Rights, resources and gender in post-war development.


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Management Team

Prof. George O. Ladaah
Prof. George O. LadaahPrincipal Investigator
Principal Investigator of the BSU project. He holds a Ph.D in Adult Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, MSoE (Adult Education), University of Natal and a MSoE (Curriculum Studies in History Education), Makerere University.
Judith Awacorach
Judith Awacorach Deputy Coordinator (Admin)
Deputy coordinator (Administration) of BSU. She is a lecturer in the Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business and Development Studies. She holds a MSc. BA (Finance) from Punjab Technical University, India, BSc. BA (Finance),Barkatullah University, India, and a MSc. Commerce (applied economics and management),Barkatullah University, India.
Dr. Agatha Alidri
Dr. Agatha Alidri Project Coordinator
A lecturer, Department of History, Faculty of Education and Humanities at Gulu University since 2010. She has been part of BSU for the last 10 years serving as the Deputy Project Coordinator BSU II (2013-2016). Her vision is to inspire young academics to build their capacity in research and teaching to transform society.
Ben Waiswa
Ben Waiswa Project accountant
Finance Officer for the BSU Project . He is a CPA student at Level III, Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU). Holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (Uganda Management Institute), A BSc. Business Administration (Gulu University) and a Dip. Business Administration (Makerere University Business School)
Prof. Charles Okumu
Prof. Charles Okumu Chairperson
Chair of BSU since its inception in 2011. Charles is an Associate Professor of Literary and Cultural Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Education and Humanities.
Dr. Geofrey Tabo
Dr. Geofrey TaboDeputy Coordinator (Technical)
A lecturer, Department of Computer Science at Gulu University. He holds a PhD in user-driven innovation, learning and design from Aalborg University, Denmark and a MSc. Computer Science from Makerere University.

Steering Team


Prof. Charles Okumu


Dr. Agatha Alidri


Dr. Isingoma Bebwa

Dean, Faculty of Education and Humanities

Dr. David Ross Olanya

Dean, Faculty of Business and Development Studies

Dr. Aloysius Tenywa Malagala

Director, Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies

Dr. Daniel Komaketch

Director Institute Research and Graduate Studies (IRGS)

Prof. Elizabeth A. Opiyo

Lecturer, Faculty of Science (Overlooks research for the project)

Mr. Asaf Adebua

Director, Directorate of Planning and Development

Dr. Geofrey Tabo

Deputy Coordinator (Technical)

Judith Awacorach

Deputy Coordinator (Admin)


Building Stronger Universities (BSU)-Gulu is a multifaceted programme aimed at strengthening research capacity at Gulu University in northern Uganda

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