BSU-IV is holding its first annual conference from June 4th to 6th, 2024, at Gulu University, on the theme: “Building Stronger Universities for Research, Teaching and Community Engagement”. The event will also mark the official launch of the BSU-IV project at Gulu University.
The conference has drawn participants from several universities in Africa and Denmark as well as from the central government and local governments in northern Uganda. The Guest of Honour is the Minister of State for Northern Uganda, Dr. Kenneth Omona.
BSU-IV was launched in June 2023 in Zanzibar and is implemented by Gulu University (Uganda), the State University of Zanzibar (Tanzania), and the University of Hargeisa (Somaliland). Others are Danish higher institutions of learning including Aalborg University, the University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University, the University of Southern Denmark, Aarhus University, and the Danish Institute for International Studies.